155 years ago the plan to give newly-freed families “forty acres and a mule” was among most significant promises made – and broken – to African Americans.
This broken promise not only robbed Black Americans of a path to financial independence but ultimately forced them into sharecropping relationships that were hardly better than slavery itself.
Read more about this broken land promise and systemic racism related to agriculture through the link in our bio. (thank you for sharing @nationalfarmersunion )

Acknowledging my privilege as a white female in America can feel awkward and confusing. My life has been so full of privilege and advantages. My role in agriculture and ability to farm the way I do comes on the back of a very violent and horrific history. It’s is painful to remember and to acknowledge. And even worse to see the injustices that continue to play out every day. I have so much to learn and plenty to un-learn as well. I join all of you in anger, frustration, and exhaustion. I am listening. And we are turning off posts for the week to elevate melanated voices. #blacklivesmatter #amplifymelanatedvoices

First-big-harvest-day-of-the-season abundance! #eatup #eatlocal #veggies #csa #csabox #farmingsimulator

Stoke is high amongst our team (and the chard) for our first CSA pick-up of the season next week!! #eatlocal .
#communitysupportedagriculture #csa #knowyourproduce #knowyourfarmers 📷 @quartzhues

Here’s a little beauty for your feed from last summer. We don’t really do many flower sales, so I’m trying to convince myself to scale down the flower garden this year to make room for more veggies. But then I look through my photos and I remember how much I LOVE having a bunch of flowers around.... it’s always hard to cut things out, there are so many amazing things we can grow! #decisionsdecisions

This is a crazy time we are living through... as we all work to stay healthy, many of us have stoped to think about the fragility of supply chains, importance of safety standards, and the mysteries behind product sourcing.
On our farm, we know our customers trust us to provide healthy, clean food and we pay close attention to food safety standards. We are soon to complete the construction of a small barn that will house our vegetable wash station and produce storage. This will only increase our ability to ensure proper food safety and sanitation. As a small local farm, we are able to greatly reduce the number of hands and steps it takes to get food to you.
If you want to ensure that you have fresh, healthy produce all season long, consider becoming a CSA member. We only have a few spots left, sign up before the end of March! Link in bio for more info.
BONUS: we have partnered with @cedarspringsfarm and @spradleyfarms to offer sustainably raised meat, raw dairy, eggs, and more for sale during the on farm pick up!!
#localagriculture #producesafety #smallscaleagriculture #eatlocal

This week I (Harper) got to experience a special thing. A lady farmer to farmer meet up in Ridgeway, CO with some of the most badass, inspiring, creative, intelligent rockstar female farmers in my area. Came home feeling empowered and supported 💛💛. Thanks for lifting each other up and fueling the passion for small scale local agriculture. Grateful for you sisters!

I am so excited to announce a new partnership with @cedarspringsfarm ! Two Roots Farm CSA members will now be able to purchase local, sustainably raised meat, dairy, and more during the on farm pick up! Jake and Meghan will be bringing their goodies up from Hotchkiss each week to help round out your local, clean food options available at your CSA pick up.
I admire these farmers and their approach to the land and animals they care for. It brings me such joy to be able to offer their products to our members! Just another great reason to join the @tworootsfarm CSA!
Cedar Springs Farm is a small family farm in the mountains of Colorado utilizing regenerative and sustainable practices on their 40 acre farm. They raise 100% grassfed cattle, rotationally grazed through lush pastures and forests. They drink pure spring water right from the source and never ever receive drugs or grains of any kind. From this herd we offer A2A2 raw milk and butter, along with beef and veal. We also raise pastured kunekune hogs. They forage year round and they finish them on peaches in the fall to create delicious and healthy pork. All of their animals are integrated into their silvopasture permaculture system, which includes over 10,000 fruit and nut trees, providing the livestock with food and shade. Their system of swales creates ideal water management because manure runoff from the animals is kept far away from the creek and instead gets concentrated as fertilizer on the tree plantings. They offer meat and dairy that is completely free of chemicals, drugs, grain, stress and sorrow because the animals are born here, raised here and die here. They offer farm tours, classes, apprenticeships, custom processing and much more!